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LVP Candidate Q&A

 1. What are the top priorities for your local?


Fighting the LAO funding cuts and ensuring LAO respects our CA rights. I will fight to protect our members’ jobs, professional responsibilities, and ensure manageable hours and workloads.


We need to establish our relationship with LAO, MAG, LSO, the Society executive and others so we are respected, relied upon and known to be knowledgeable on issues that affect us and our clients.


We must build membership capacity and involvement. Decisions on behalf of the local must be made with the input and involvement of our members. This can only be accomplished with an engaged and active membership.


 2. How will you balance your Local and Executive Board duties?


The Local membership has always been my first priority. It is why I joined our unionization efforts and why I have dedicated the past 7 years to fighting for our rights. I have demonstrated that I will commit my time and resources to provide the best representation for our Local, at the Board and in the workplace, and wherever it is needed.


I will work collaboratively with LAO elected representatives and our membership to achieve a strong Local based on the needs and interests of our members. I strengthen and support our local through an effective association with the Society.


 3. What are the key issues facing your members and how would you address them?


LAO funding cuts, and their implications for job security, including layoffs and changes to work responsibilities; workload; hours of work; and our professional responsibilities (more work with fewer staff/resources). I will educate and work closely with our membership. I will fight the cuts and protect our jobs and our rights and ensure compliance with our first CA.


Health and safety, including harassment and discrimination, and equity and diversity remain significant issues also.


My approach to all issues is focused, intentional and responsible. I ensure fair processes, speak out for what is right and will hold LAO accountable.


 4. How will your Local contribute to the strength of the “member power” of the overall Society?


We are a Local of educated members, schooled in research, negotiation and advocacy. We endured many years fighting for our collective bargaining rights in the face of outright refusal from our employer. Our membership is strong and committed.


We have contacts and connections in the justice sector. We have social and community partners. We bring diversity to the Society.


As your LVP I will ensure that we build engagement throughout our Local and continue to develop a strong and effective association with the Society. I recognize that the power to influence becomes stronger when we are aligned.


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